Elementary: ECSD DWPD Mini Conference
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Venue: Room 231 clear filter
Thursday, February 20

1:50pm MST

Navigating Number Lines for Math Success (4-6)
Thursday February 20, 2025 1:50pm - 2:50pm MST
In this interactive professional learning session, 4-6 educators will explore how to use the number line as a powerful tool for enhancing students' mathematical understanding. Participants will discover practical strategies for incorporating the number line into regular instruction to support key concepts such as operations and math talks. Through hands-on activities, teachers will learn how to guide students in visualizing numbers and relationships, building fluency, and developing number sense. Join us to deepen your understanding of how the number line can transform elementary math instruction and help students develop a strong foundation for future mathematical success.
avatar for Amy Swinkels

Amy Swinkels

Math Consultant, Edmonton Catholic School Division
Amy is a Math convert! Being a child that hated Math and was highly unsuccessful in Math, it became her absolute passion to help make Math fun, meaningful and successful for all students.  When not championing Math, Amy is either reading absolute garbage on a beach or running marathons... Read More →
avatar for Anita Hanneman

Anita Hanneman

Elementary Mathematics Consultant, Edmonton Catholic School Division
Anita makes up one fifth of the elementary mathematics team. Her passion and giddiness for mathematics grows with each article read, teacher conversation, and interaction with students. On her spare time Anita enjoys spending time with her family, dancing, being in nature, pina coladas... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 1:50pm - 2:50pm MST
Room 231

3:00pm MST

Navigating Number Lines for Math Success (4-6)
Thursday February 20, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm MST
In this interactive professional learning session, 4-6 educators will explore how to use the number line as a powerful tool for enhancing students' mathematical understanding. Participants will discover practical strategies for incorporating the number line into regular instruction to support key concepts such as operations and math talks. Through hands-on activities, teachers will learn how to guide students in visualizing numbers and relationships, building fluency, and developing number sense. Join us to deepen your understanding of how the number line can transform elementary math instruction and help students develop a strong foundation for future mathematical success.
avatar for Anita Hanneman

Anita Hanneman

Elementary Mathematics Consultant, Edmonton Catholic School Division
Anita makes up one fifth of the elementary mathematics team. Her passion and giddiness for mathematics grows with each article read, teacher conversation, and interaction with students. On her spare time Anita enjoys spending time with her family, dancing, being in nature, pina coladas... Read More →
avatar for Amy Swinkels

Amy Swinkels

Math Consultant, Edmonton Catholic School Division
Amy is a Math convert! Being a child that hated Math and was highly unsuccessful in Math, it became her absolute passion to help make Math fun, meaningful and successful for all students.  When not championing Math, Amy is either reading absolute garbage on a beach or running marathons... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm MST
Room 231
Elementary: ECSD DWPD Mini Conference
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