About me
Before taking on her current role of Director, Field Experience (Community-Based Pathway), at the Werklund School of Education, Dr. Astrid Kendrick was a K-12 classroom teacher for nineteen years specializing in Physical Education and English/Language Arts. Dr. Kendrick has two main research areas: firstly, on compassion fatigue, burnout, and emotional labour in Alberta educational workers, and secondly, on building the instructional capacity of preservice teachers in online and virtual learning environments. She is the primary investigator on a SSHRC-funded Partnership Development Grant with the Alberta Teachers Association, ASEBP, and Northwest Territories Teachers Association; a co-investigator on a health promotion grant through Alberta Education; and a co-investigator on an SSHRC Insight grant into improving teacher integration of Indigenous knowledge. She is committed to improving the health and wellness of children through establishing partnerships with local school districts and Alberta Health Services. For the past several years, she has served as the co-chair of the Health Promoting Schools Collaborative for the southern Alberta region and serves on the Board of Directors for PHE Canada. Dr. Kendrick is the co-producer of the Ed Students in Conversation podcast series on voicEd Radio Canada and developer of the HEARTcare Educators website. She was the recipient of the 2020 Online Teaching Award from the Werklund School of Education as well as an Emerging Scholar Award from The Learner research network in 2019.